Timothy Brown, composer

May 18, 20172 min

My Performance for Mr. Hirotaka Kawai

The Shigeru Kawai has always been my piano of choice to perform on through the years. This unique “hand built” instrument is built in Hamamatsu Japan, and produces a “tone quality” that is absolutely magnificent. Recently, I was asked to attend a small gathering at the “Kawai Piano Gallery” in Plano, Texas, to welcome the son of Shigeru Kawai, (Mr. Hirotaka Kawai).This was a historic opportunity to meet the current President of the Kawai Corporation and the legacy that he represents throughout the World. I was extremely humbled to perform personally for Mr. Hirotaka Kawai on the magnificent Shigeru Kawai (SK-5) before his tour began of the amazing (soon to be built) facility in the Dallas area. I was overwhelmed the other day to find a “personal letter” sent from Mr. Hirotaka Kawai from Japan. He thanked me personally for my attendance and performance. Thank you Amanda Byers for this special opportunity! This special picture will soon be added to our many “keepsakes” at our home in Lewisville, Texas..

I performed from my Twelve Prelude as he sat just a few feet away. I enjoyed telling Mr.Kawai why I chose these works that represented a "lyrical style" of writing that the Shigeru Kawai is designed to allow for in it's "depth of tone" that many other pianos can not duplicate..


Dear Mr. Kawai,

It was a great honor for me to perform for you at the recent gathering at the new site of the new Kawai dealership in Plano, Texas. I have always been a fan of the Shigeru Kawai and as a composer, I was honored deeply to perform personally for you on the magnificent SK-5 Shigeru Kawai.

The composer is a very important ingredient in the world of music, they provide the beauty and imagination needed to allow the performer to share their music with the world. The Shigeru Kawai has always been my instrument of choice through the years. I am blessed with many opportunities share my music with others and I always request your instrument before accepting opportunities to perform. It is exquisite, an instrument that allows me to hear my music with the \"tone quality\" that I had originally envisioned at the time of inspiration.

Our time and picture together will always be treasured by me, and I will always now have the personal connection to the instrument that I very much feel is an extremely important part of my writing.

Wishing you continued success in all of your endeavors and always know you have a fan in the great State of Texas,

Timothy Brown, Composer

The FJH Music Co,

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for your message addressed to Hirotaka Kawai, our chairman and president.

Please let me convey you his thank-you letter to you, Mr. Brown.

Would you please see enclosed letter file “Thank-you letter from Hirotaka Kawai.pdf”.

I was also at Kawai Piano Gallery Dallas with Hirotaka Kawai on January 16 and

enjoyed listening to your performance with Shigeru Kawai, which was so sweet and brilliant.

Best regards,

Takanori Aoki

Kawai Musical Inst. Mfg. Co., Ltd.
